Sulphur Varieties And How To Obtain

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The Sicilian method was one of the first ways to extract sulphur from underground deposits. It was the only industrial method of recovering sulfur from elemental deposits until replaced by the Frasch process. Most of the world’s sulfur was obtained this way until the late 19th century. In its most basic form the ores were piled in a mound and ignited. The semi-pure sulfur flowed down and the solidified mass was collected at a lower level. It gets its name from the center of sulfur production until the 19th century when it was replaced by the Frasch process.

In oil and gas, a chemical process called “Claus method” is applied to obtain sulfur.

Sulfur has varieties as powder, solid and liquid. They are divided according to their particle size and degree of purity. Although the forms and physical properties of sulfur varieties are different, their chemical properties are the same. The best quality sulfur is 99.9 percent purity and 1-90 micron and 0.05 percent ash rate. Commercially used sulfur is 99 percent pure. Sulphur types can be listed as follows; natural sulphur, mine sulphur, industrial sulphur, agricultural sulphur, medicine sulphur, soil sulphur, leaf sulphur, sulfur powder, elemental powder sulphur, micronized sulphur, granular sulphur …


Sulfur is among the basic substances of industrial production, especially sulphuric acid. Millions of tons of sulfur are used for the production of sulfuric acid, which has a very common usage in industry. Apart from sulfuric acid, it is used to produce sulphur dioxide gas, carbon sulphur and thiosulfate.

We can list some products and sectors that use sulphur, sulfuric acid and its compounds as follows: Chemical and agriculture industry, feed additives, synthetic resins, fertilizers and fertilizer additives, animal medicines, pigments, petroleum products, detergents, sheet metal, explosives, some batteries, paper, insecticides, tires, gunpowder, fireworks, matches, rubber, cosmetic products, shampoos, fabrics, adhesives …